Hospo Partners

Suppliers and advisory services for the hospitality and tourism industry

Hospo.life | Advisory • Industry Offers • Careers • Education • Suppliers

Do you have a new business, a new idea or looking for some inspiration for which you need a supplier, an artisan or professional advice? Or are you a supplier, artisan or provider of advisory services who wants to reach out to the hospitality and tourism industry?

Either way, you’re in the right place! Hospo Partners was created because we understand that finding the right connection and support is not always as easy as it sounds. You will find high quality suppliers, artisans, advisory service providers and hospitality associations from around the world who can assist you in the execution of your ideas and get you the products and services you need to run or set up your business. 

If you would like us to feature your business on Partner News, click here. If you are a supplier, advisory service provider or association to the hospitality and tourism industry then join us by clicking ‘Showcase my Business’.

Let’s keep creating!

A comprehensive and tailored business page | starting from US$29 per month

An INDEPENDENT REVIEW of your product or service by an industry expert

A PODCAST to showcase your business and product or services

Annual CUSTOMER SERVICE RESEARCH with rating and award opportunity

Sell your product or service at an exclusive industry rate to the consumer

FREE trial and page design services